

So glad you stopped by! I’m a stylist + the owner of Gunn & Swain. This is my life + style blog where I talk about my creative projects, women who inspire me, new product launches, my home and family, and my love for San Diego and Southern California living.

Mi Casa: Mas Updates -- Big Time!

We had a huge weekend of updates, folks.  Dusty finished tiling almost all of the house!  We're doing tile flooring in two of the bedrooms, the hallway between bedrooms and our bathroom that just got mostly updated.  This meant I was finally able to set up our guest room!  We still need to do baseboards but that's easy peasy compared to setting 24"x24" tiles on super uneven floors.  Not that I know anything about that, which is among the many reasons why Dusty is a saint.  Anywho, the bathroom and guestroom are done, I got my craft table set up AND an amazing birthday gift from one of my artist friends.  On with the update photos for more info!

That amazing vintage mexican blanket was a Santee Swap Meet $5 score!
My Dolly Parton Hatch Show Print now lives next door to my Dolly album centerfold

I re-finished this Ikea dresser last year and threw on some Anthropologie knobs
Anthropologie SALE BIN score on that pot!

Pardon this toilet picture but the bathroom is small and I wanted you to see my finished floors!
We didn't touch the counter top (which looks worse in person than it does in this photo) and obviously the mirror situation needs to get handled... this is why I say our bathroom is 95% done.
craft central
My amazing friend, Nilo, gave me a seriously RAD birthday present -- a giant octopus drawing on my chalkboard-paint-wall!  Obsessed much?!  I am in love with it!

Also, a final plea to you all... we lagging behind in The Selby Contest and we need to get back up into the Top 50!  HELP!  Vote for a Gypsy Modern Work-In-Progress here: by Wednesday!

It's The Final Countdown

For Your Listening Enjoyment: The Animals