

So glad you stopped by! I’m a stylist + the owner of Gunn & Swain. This is my life + style blog where I talk about my creative projects, women who inspire me, new product launches, my home and family, and my love for San Diego and Southern California living.

Mi Casa: Updates!

Dusty took a few days "off" after our trip and has been getting down to business here at Casa Wheeler.  Kicking a$s and takin' names, really.  We now have cabinet knobs installed, screens on the windows, a light/fan installed in the almost-bathroom (huge pain in the butt, requiring a full day in the attic in 90 degree heat, nice) and we've got a kitchen light and shelf!  Obviously there's still a lot to do.  Notice you haven't seen photos of any of the bedrooms or hallway?  Yes, that would be because they're a disaster.  Yellow caution tape status.  So shortly you will see some photos of our space BUT more importantly, please vote for our little work-in-progress on the CB2 Selby Contest page!   I will shamelessly be promoting this the next few weeks so consider yourself warned!

Casa Wheeler:

Now on to the photos!

For Your Listening Enjoyment: Keep it Neil

Home Goodies: Three Potato Four Goes Brick & Mortar